11th floor, BC Talan Towers 16 Dostyk Street Astana Z05H9K3 Kazakhstan   +7 778 527 33 02
Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC
Leading Provider
Of Fertilizers
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Supplier in Europe
ISO 9001:2008
About Us Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC is a multi-national corporation and a global leading manufacturer of 100% organic soil improvers and fertilizers based in Kazakhstan. The company covers a full technical cycle of sapropel extraction, processing, packing and bulk sales. The factory is located in Uralsk, Kazakhstan and operates a facility with production capacities of up to 20 000 tons annually. Our equipment, extraction and manufacturing technologies comply with the International standards for organic production. Our soil improvers and fertilizers are based on sapropel – centuries-old bottom sediments of freshwater lakes, which were formed from dead aquatic vegetation, remnants of living organisms, plankton, and soil humus particles containing a large amount of organic matter, humus. Our soil improvers and fertilizers are universal and perfectly fit the requirements of any type of soil.

The company's years of operations have made Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC a world leader, known for delivering innovative solutions in all the areas of its expertise. We develop, produce and supplies a wide range of specialty fertilizers in more than 100 countries.

Our premium products provide optimized plant nutrition and are valued for their high efficiency, crop- suitability, low chloride content, and purity. Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC's portfolio includes soluble fertilizers for Nutrigation™ and foliar sprays, controlled-release fertilizers and granular fertilizers for soil application.

We are globally recognized for our extensive business networks to supply international fertilizer manufacturers for their critical raw materials such as sulfur, rock phosphate, ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash. We also act as sellers' representatives and trade in urea, DAP, NPKs and other finished fertilizers. With innovative plant nutrition schemes and highly efficient application methods, Our solutions provide balanced and precise plant nutrition. This ultimately delivers maximum efficiency, optimal plant development and minimized losses to the environment.