11th floor, BC Talan Towers 16 Dostyk Street Astana Z05H9K3 Kazakhstan   +7 778 527 33 02
Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC
Leading Provider
Of Fertilizers
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Supplier in Europe
ISO 9001:2008
Research and Development The Research and Development Department is a full-valued division of Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC. It was created in order to develop the best formula of soil improvers and fertilizers, and to improve production technology to get the highest quality of final product – Saprolife™. Our R&D team cooperates with well-known Scientists and Organic technologists in Kazakhstan:

– John Serik, Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Organic Fertilizers and Humus, is the author of a number of scientific studies about production and using of organic fertilizers for biological agriculture and horticulture.

Kazakhstan Organics works closely with The National Scientific Center “Uralsk Institute of Soil Science and Research” – one of leading scientific centers in Kazakhstan for managing and research work on soil science, agro chemistry and soil protection.

Kazakhstan Institute cooperates with biggest International organizations and Intergovernmental bodies, such as:

Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

Food for Life International Platform (part of EU Commission)

– International Union of Soil Sciences

Federation of European Microbiological Societies

The cutting edge scientific background of Saprolife™ , together with a history of successfully implemented projects makes Saprolife™ one of the most effective soil improvers and fertilizers nowadays. Saprolife™ transforms poor sandy soil to fertile soil where it is possible to grow many types of plants for farming, landscaping, urban greenery, flower-growing and gardening.