11th floor, BC Talan Towers 16 Dostyk Street Astana Z05H9K3 Kazakhstan   +7 778 527 33 02
Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC
Leading Provider
Of Fertilizers
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Supplier in Europe
ISO 9001:2008
Sales Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC’s sales geography comprises the following key markets: Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC, Brazil, India, China, Southeast Asia and USA. Domestic supplies are managed by an in-house trading arm. Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC’s export sales are undertaken by own trading company.
The Company works on long-term and spot contracts basis. Garabogazkarbamid delivers its products by rail and sea.

Current prices for different regions are available on request from the Sales Department.

Domestic Marketing

The main buyers of Garabogazkarbamid’s products in the Kazakhstan market are agricultural producers, producers of compound fertiliser and industrial consumers.

The sales terms for all domestic consumers comply with the Recommendations for Nondiscriminatory Access to Purchasing Potash, issued by the Kazakhstan Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and valid from December 2012 till 31 December 2027. Garabogazkarbamid has been recommended to set the price for potassium chloride (KCl) for all consumers, not exceeding the minimum export price.

Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC supplies domestic consumers with the following products:


  • Pink Standard MOP
  • White Standard MOP
  • Pink Granular MOP
  • White Fine MOP


  • Concentrated carnallite
  • Technical Salt
  • De-icing Salt

Export: International Markeking

Exports traditionally account for the majority of Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC’s sales output. Our key markets are: Brazil, India, China, Southeast Asia and USA.

Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC sells its products internationally through own trading company.

Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC exports the following products:

  • Pink Granular MOP
  • Pink Standard MOP
  • White Fine MOP
  • White Standard MOP
  • Potassium Chloride Pellets