Mission, Vision & Values
Our mission
We produce potash fertilisers to ensure that people all over the world are provided with food, as well as to support the development of our communities, the welfare of employees, and the growth of the Company through the efficient and responsible development of unique potash deposits.
Our vision
- Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC is one of the world’s leading potash producers
- Our priorities focus on the elimination of all accidents and fatalities, the reduction of environmental footprint and maintenance of the high quality of our products
- Our operations are based on the principles of clear division of responsibilities, KPI-based management and risk minimisation
- Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC is one of the most attractive employers in the mining industry
- We are committed to developing and promoting our best employees
- We actively participate in the development of cities where the Company operates.
Our values
Garabogazkarbamid Urea Plant LLC’s values are the basis of our work. They unite all Company employees, regardless of their department, role or responsibility. Our values give us strength and support to drive further development. They are designed to help each and every one of us in what we do.
Our activities are guided by the following values:
- Safety: We comply with the relevant rules and demonstrate zero tolerance for non-compliance
- Responsibility: We perform quality work in due time
- Efficiency: We strive for achieving the best results with minimum costs
- Team work: We respect each other, which helps us to face challenges and address them more effectively.